Saturday, September 19, 2009

Regina Spektor Writes For Broadway

Russian-American musician Regina Spektor is following the trend of musical artist writing songs for the stage. She has signed on to pen songs for a Broadway 2011 production titled "Beauty" inspired by the a one act play "Beauty" written by Tina Landau.

Others artist who have been spotted doing the same include Bono and The Edge are working on the upcoming superhero musical "Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark".

Regina Spektor is my favorite solo-artist of all time. She is simply amazing! She is a songwriter, vocalist and pianist and is ridiculously talented in all of those fields.

Check out her recently released, fifth studio album "Far"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

VMA New Moon Trailer

The trailer that was leaked a couple of days ago is not the same as the trailer that premeired tonight at the Video Music Awards on Mtv.

The one that premiered today was apparently the "extended" version. It wasn't extended by very much though. I'd say no more than 6 seconds or so.
I find my self more excited for the movie after watching the new trailer though. The Volturi is going to get the movies sooo many more fans. All the guys who hear twilight and think cheesy over-rated vampire movie should take a chance with New Moon, the action will get them hooked. The wolves fighting Laurent was so cool looking I'm almost not upset that it is the complete opposite of what happens in the book. :) I mean, Laurent is supposed to run away terrified not give them the "bring it on" look!
The underwater scene looks beautiful too. The cinematography on this film will probably be my favorite thing about this movie from what I can tell from the trailer.

Friday, September 11, 2009


A new trailer for the film New Moon, sequel to the blockbuster Twilight, has been leaked.
It seems to have been shown in a movie theater somewhere you can hear people whispering in the background.
I have seen it and all I have to say, what in the world is Summit thinking?!

It is basically the ENTIRE movie in two minutes. All the biggest twist and turns are in there too. The Volturi looks wicked awesome though even though when I read the book I pictured their underground lair to look completely different. I'm really excited to see Dakota Fanning's performance in this, she's a great actress and her character is really twisted. It's going to be awesome!

I'm not going to post the link to the trailer because Summit is taking them down left and right and I don't want to get sued or anything. You shouldn't watch the trailer if you don't want the movie ruined for you anyway.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lady GaGa Flubs the Words

Underneath the crazy hair, hats, and costumes Lady GaGa has a ridiculously good voice. She sang an impromptu cover of Coldplay's song Viva La Vida on BBC radio in England. So impromptu that she messed up the words but I found it endearing. GaGa haters even admitted that they liked this performance in the comments. Someone actually said "I dislike both Lady Gaga and "Viva la vida" but I love this."

Her music doesn't really showcase her voice because its quite pop and techno/dance styled music so many many people are surprised when they hear her live, they didn't know she could actually sing or play the piano . I know I didn't.

If she made an album of only acoustic versions of her songs I would totally buy it and so would alot of other people.

This is my favorite performance of hers. The song is called Paparazzi and it was the first song of hers I've ever heard. It was stuck in my head for days.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sandra Bullock is an Axe Wielding Stalker

I saw the trailer for the movie "All About Steve"during the previews for G.I. Joe and my first in impression was that it was a silly funny movie and that I have seen something like this before, like, in the previous year.

When I saw the poster I immediately thought thought that the umbrella that Mary Horowitz (Sandra Bullock) was holding was a bloody machete or something. If people who now nothing about this movie and saw the poster from a distance they would think this was some sort of slasher movie.

Seriously, take a few steps back from the screen and tell me that umbrella doesn't turn into a bloody weapon! Sandra already looks crazy enough to use it in the picture, it's not that much of a stretch.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ignorance Is Not Bliss or Sanitary

I went to BurgerKing today with some family and just after we had made our orders I saw this guy in the "kitchen" putting what looked like chicken patties into a friar basket. I was deeply disturbed and almost didn't want my whopper and I love whoppers so much its ridiculous. I didn't know they fried the patties. Well, I didn't have the slightest idea what they did to prepare them but I wouldn't have guessed that they fry them!

I usually don't think about the behind the scenes stuff because I'm so excited that I'm getting a burger and I'm hungry so I'm simply not thinking about how its made. I really should though. I, along with many other people, have heard the horror stories of what goes on behind the counter at crummy fast food places. So from now on I'm not eating at dingy fast food places anymore, not that I really did in the first place but you know. I'm not cutting out Burger King forever I'm just going to be more aware of the upkeep of the restaurant, make sure that it passes my quick visual cleanliness inspection. Gloves, hairnets, the works.

And who else thinks that The King is a bit scary? Just look at this picture!

See! He even creeps out surly, old Crusty the Clown! Creepy!

Tokio Hotel is Taking Over Youtube!!!

The music video from Tokio Hotel's first single, off their new album HUMANOID, was just aired today on their website and on their youtube account. It's #1 in the music section under Top Rated, Favorited, Discussed and its #2 for Top Rated out of all the videos on youtube for today! #2!!! *does happy dance*

I have to make a quick disclaimer.

Just so you know, I am biased and would still love Tokio Hotel if they took up yodeling while wearing plastic trash bags.

On with the review!
The music video was shot in South Africa, on the same continent where the German band shot their mega hit Monsoon (English version of their very first single that launched their career, Durch Den Monsun).

The video didn't have a lot to do with the lyrics of the song. The music video consisted of four things. Really cool cars riding through the desert, two romantic robots, Bill Kaulitz doing his very unique style of dancing/hopping/flailing, and the band playing on this huge scrap metal stage.

The cars didn't really have a purpose in the video except for being cool. The robots seemed to oppose the lyrics. The song is about a girl who has no real love in her, she's automatic. At first I was really confused as to why they put emotional robots in the video instead of a robotic person but I finally came up with something that makes sense.

I think Tokio Hotel is trying to say "There's no real love in you. Look, these two robots have more love than you do!" Burn.

Alot of fans on the forum all agree on the fact that there was alot of Bill (singer) and not alot of the rest of the band in the video. I have to agree but I'm not upset about it or anything. On the other hand, Bill being the only person on the album cover doesn't sit too well with me. Would it really have been so hard to "humanoid" all the guys and put that on the cover? A group photo? I don't think it would have been. It's always been a group photo on the album covers. The band has changed drastically though, lets just hope not in the wrong ways.

Tomorrow, Automatisch will premiere. I know what your thinking "what's the difference?"

Well the video will be the same essentially but they will use different shots and of course it will be in German. It's just a common fact known by the fans that the German versions of the songs are the best. They're deeper and have more meaning. When they translate their songs into English the lyrics tend to get vague and bland sometimes unfortunately.

Go watch this video. It's Bill and Tom (the twins), mainly Tom, explaining the video. Tom admits that the average person will think the song is crap unless they know the meaning of it. It greatly enlightened me and its really funny! So go watch it!

Automatic/Automatisch will be released Sept. 22

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

G.I. Joe Rise of the Cobra Review Part 1 [SPOILER FREE]

First off where have I heard "Rise of the Cobra" before? To me its sound familiar and common in the genre of action films, which I am not a fan of to be honest.

I gave this movie a chance when my girly-girl eleven year old cousin said that "It's a really good movie, Leah. I'm serious, like, really good!" I thought if she liked it then it must be decent. So I went to go see it, with her and her dad, one rainy afternoon with an open mind.

Let me first say that I look for a solid and flowing story in the movies I watch the most when it comes to action films. If it has a sustaining plot and alot of explosions I see no reason for anyone to complain. But that was not the case for this film. As you can guess it simply had alot of explosions.
At the end of the film you are well aware that this is the beginning of a trilogy but in what was an attempt to leave the audience itching to know what happens next by withholding information about certain characters just made me confused as to what was going on. I kept waiting for back stories and sometimes just names for some characters but some people who seemed important to what was going on just remained unnamed and barely spoke.
Overall, it was a very visually pleasing movie to look at but when you go see it don't try looking into what the main point of the film is or else you wont enjoy it very much. It's just the first chapter of a long action packed story. Just enjoy it for what it is. Wicked awesome visual effects and fight scenes.